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Dash Mahanvidya Path- 7 days

Dash Mahanvidya Path- 7 days

Code: DMP01

1,32,000/- INR 1,10,000/-

Ten different disciplines known as Daa Mahvidyas can be used to achieve one's ultimate spiritual objective. All ten of the Mahvidys are also referred to as Brahma Vidys. It's a common misconception that pursuing any one of these Mahvidyas can liberate you. Every sdhana advances the sdhaka in incremental steps toward the ultimate spiritual accomplishment, namely emancipation. One does not automatically become liberated after receiving a mantra from a teacher. Sdhana refers to a path that leads directly to a desired outcome (Liberation), while also establishing, carrying out, finishing, and improving spiritual activities. Sdhana is more than just ritualistic worship; it starts out as such and develops into the realisation that the body is the temple and the Self within is the Sanctum Sanctorum. It is said that the body is the temple and that the Self is contained within the jvtman. The word "Parmtman" means "without impurities," "without guas" or "without characteristics," and "nothing but Purity." The state of Parmtman known as Jvtman, which is rife with spiritual ignorance, is one in which He is encased, shrouded, and covered by His own Power, also known as My. The realisation of the Parmtman within is impossible unless the veil of my is lifted. Sdhana refers to the act of removing the veil of Maya. What will occur when the My veil is lifted? Tmadarana, or the realisation of Iva, will occur, leading to complete Liberation. Tantra stras place a greater emphasis on consciousness, which is reached through adhering to the four pururthas, or principles, of human life. They are karma (desires and pleasures), dharma (righteousness or virtues), artha (wish or purpose), and moksha (the liberation). It is obvious that these admirable human traits are not forbidden by the old texts. They warn against becoming attached to them. This idea is frequently misrepresented and misinterpreted. Trivarga refers to the first three pururthas. The majority of the Scriptural dictums that make up Dharma are of post-Vedic provenance. Dharma is often used to refer to natural law. Either we follow Nature or Prakti. In actuality, only Nature has any influence over the trivarga. The Law of Nature, which is governed by akti, intervenes whenever there is any overdoing or overindulgence and prevents further indulgence. It is well known that worshipping Dus Mahavidya eliminates bad tendencies. It can also be done to accomplish other wishes, such as winning legal battles, obtaining cash in abundance, curing any ailment, eclipsing rivals, eradicating poverty, bringing luck and money, and protecting oneself from any form of black magic. Worshiping these Mahavidya also protects one from harmful planetary influences.

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